
Mount and blade keeps crashing
Mount and blade keeps crashing

mount and blade keeps crashing

  • The least expensive horses are now used first when upgrading troops.
  • Added new tavern game menu images for all main cultures.
  • Moved the initial banner selection and clan naming to character creation in SandBox mode.
  • Improved the receive/pay tribute visuals in the kingdom diplomacy tab.
  • Fixed a bug that caused all agents to play the same animation during a conversation.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented battle animations from being played for events on the campaign map.
  • Fixed a bug related to the melee trainer walking animation.
  • Sound improvements to some Empire castle scenes.
  • Minor fixes to some Vlandia, Khuzait, and Sturgia town scenes.
  • Minor fixes to some Khuzait, Empire, and Sturgia castle scenes.
  • Fixed a bug that caused some NPC faces to be black when viewed from distance.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the campaign character’s head to have a white contour.
  • Added an ornate battle crown for Aserai lords.
  • Fixed localisation issues of "Village Needs Draught Animals" quest journal logs.
  • Other general localisation improvements.
  • Russian and Polish language localisation improvements.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the game version to be different between clicking "Continue Campaign" and loading the save manually.
  • mount and blade keeps crashing

  • Minor UI-related improvements in memory usage.
  • Memory usage improvements in custom battle.
  • Optimisations to the field getter functions in CharacterObject class.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while handling pending kingdom decisions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred due to party influence cost calculations.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when the "Revenue Farming" quest was cancelled while the quest-related menu was open.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a player killed an agent in civilian missions.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when determining deserted troops for oversized parties.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a disbanding party entered a settlement.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred when a conspiracy caravan party entered a settlement.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred during tournaments.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred after creating a random clan with a console command.
  • Initial Beta Changelog Singleplayer Crashes
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while previewing ’Steel Round Shield’ (and other items that don’t have a banner displayed on them).
  • Previous Beta Hotfixes 28/09/21 Singleplayer Crashes
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the party wage limit from being changeable when the heir became the main character.
  • Fixed a bug that caused influence to be awarded when dismissing troops.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed for peace decisions to be proposed to enemy kingdoms in the main storyline.
  • Fixed a bug that caused mercenary clans to leave kingdoms.

  • Mount and blade keeps crashing