Mars 2023
Februari 2023
23 Februari 2023 - 22:25
Mount and blade keeps crashing
The least expensive horses are now used first when upgrading troops.
Added new tavern game menu images for all main cultures.
Moved the initial banner selection and clan naming to character creation in SandBox mode.
Improved the receive/pay tribute visuals in the kingdom diplomacy tab.
Fixed a bug that caused all agents to play the same animation during a conversation.
Fixed a bug that prevented battle animations from being played for events on the campaign map.
Fixed a bug related to the melee trainer walking animation.
Sound improvements to some Empire castle scenes.
Minor fixes to some Vlandia, Khuzait, and Sturgia town scenes.
Minor fixes to some Khuzait, Empire, and Sturgia castle scenes.
Fixed a bug that caused some NPC faces to be black when viewed from distance.
Fixed a bug that caused the campaign character’s head to have a white contour.
Added an ornate battle crown for Aserai lords.
Fixed localisation issues of "Village Needs Draught Animals" quest journal logs.
Other general localisation improvements.
Russian and Polish language localisation improvements.
Fixed a bug that caused the game version to be different between clicking "Continue Campaign" and loading the save manually.
Minor UI-related improvements in memory usage.
Memory usage improvements in custom battle.
Optimisations to the field getter functions in CharacterObject class.
Fixed a crash that occurred while handling pending kingdom decisions.
Fixed a crash that occurred due to party influence cost calculations.
Fixed a crash that occurred when the "Revenue Farming" quest was cancelled while the quest-related menu was open.
Fixed a crash that occurred when a player killed an agent in civilian missions.
Fixed a crash that occurred when determining deserted troops for oversized parties.
Fixed a crash that occurred when a disbanding party entered a settlement.
Fixed a crash that occurred when a conspiracy caravan party entered a settlement.
Fixed a crash that occurred during tournaments.
Fixed a crash that occurred after creating a random clan with a console command.
Initial Beta Changelog Singleplayer Crashes
Fixed a crash that occurred while previewing ’Steel Round Shield’ (and other items that don’t have a banner displayed on them).
Previous Beta Hotfixes 28/09/21 Singleplayer Crashes
Fixed a bug that prevented the party wage limit from being changeable when the heir became the main character.
Fixed a bug that caused influence to be awarded when dismissing troops.
Fixed a bug that allowed for peace decisions to be proposed to enemy kingdoms in the main storyline.
Fixed a bug that caused mercenary clans to leave kingdoms.
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