The pool of blood that forms around any dead body is also improved to look much more realistic. That means that blood is loosened up and has a better ‘spray’ effect during death of any of the characters. While it doesn’t increase the volume of the blood itself, it retextures it. If you’ve downloaded and installed the More Blood mod, this one goes really well with it. There’s a lot of variation in the kinds of grass you’ll walk on: different hues depending on the setting, but they’re much denser than the vanilla game grass. Did you know that the human eye is capable of seeing more shades of green than any other color? That’s why getting the Smooth Grass mod will definitely bump up the immersive game experience. Here’s an unpopular opinion: it’s far more important that the grass looks realistic, since you’re spending more time on land than water. You’ll always find mods that try to improve upon the visual element of water, making it look hyper-realistic.

Her curly hair is also compatible with the hoods of her various outfits.10 Best Free OSRS Quests For Non-Members (Ranked) – This mod also adds a couple of clothing items from the show including a casual gown and a masquerade gown, both green. Her red hair is replaced with Anna Shaffer’s signature curly locks and her skin is more tan like Shaffer. The mod by Bububull for retexturing Triss Merigold to look more like Anna Shaffer is a little more in-depth. Since Anya Charlota already looks a lot like her in-game counterpart, other aspects like her hair remain unchanged. There is also an option to give her those distinct purple eyes that we see in the show.

Made by WitcherSeb, the Anya Charlota mod gives Yennefer a softer brow in comparison to the default model. We have seen Henry Cavill mods to retexture Geralt, but now we can add Anya Charlota and Anna Shaffer as Yennefer of Vengerburg and Triss Merigold, respectively. However, through the power of modding, we can have them in our games. After seeing Henry Cavill as Geralt or Anya Charlota as Yennefer in the show, it might be hard or jarring to go back to the game and not see them. The performances are wonderful, the writing is pretty great, and the casting was spot on. As if The Witcher was not already a popular series, the games got a big resurgence in sales due to the success of the Netflix series.